Monday, 19 May 2008

Cliff Begin

I can lie here and wait for the rain to begin.
I can lie here and hold my breath till

The first drop plummets down beside me.
Behold the sky that’s tipping

Over the edge of a cliff and into a storm.

Electricity in the sky.
That’s where I’ll begin.

Make life across the thunderous suffocation.
Or wait.
For a drop that fails to fail.
Or wait.
For the rest of the drops after one.

A lot can happen on a cliff edge.
A lot can begin.

I’ll scoop my hands ready for the fall.

Waiting to feed empty space with rain water.
Waiting to tip it up over my head.

Trickle down between my eyes.
Taste it.
And let it feed me the voltage.

Electricity in the water.
In my bones.

That’s where I‘ll begin.

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